To start, I didnt want to write this review, Lunar SSS is one of my all time favorite games, it was something that has brought tears to my eyes since childhood, the mobile version brings tears to my eyes as well, a different kind.
the good:
new way to move in the game by touching on the screen. movement is direct and wont path around obstacles.
the neutral:
It has the adapted soundtrack
most* of the original game is there
the bad:
its save system is terrible, there is a default save that you cant erase and it takes you through 2 minutes of dialogue every time you accidentally click it.
the touch controls are very hard to use, going up and down are difficult, usually end up going diagonally. maybe changing the size or location of the pad would help?
the menu is very difficult to navigate, if you use a healing item on someone, and want to use another you have to re scroll through the menu from the start again. cursor memory is non existent and your first selection goes the opposite direction of the key you press? seriously how is that bug not fixed?
the epilogue is missing from the game.
this is actually a port of an emulated version of the game, all too obvious based on the horrible save state system that you cant even overwrite.
lastly, the game pauses whenever you move the ipad/phone more than 3 inches. on the pause screen are two options. continue, and main menu. if you click main menu it quits your current game without saving it and without warning you. sorry did I mention the warning was on the pause screen that you propped up because you bumped your ipad on something then accidentally nudged the main menu button right after?
The obvious:
the playstation remake was a masterpiece, the mobile version gave the game added 5 major problems, some of them features without any improvement than a touch interface. why were nearly game breaking elements included that actually ruin the game experience?
L33tspock about
Lunar Silver Star Story Touch, v2.0.2